My Binance Wish is to return to South Africa and visit my family and friends. I was there last with my son during COVID year. It was the year commemorating 100 years of Oliver Tambo, a Freedom Fighter of the stature of Nelson Mandela. It was my son's second trip to South Africa, my home country.

My son and I after touchdown in Johannesburg, December 23 2020

The reason for my trip to South Africa is to see my family and help with repairs on my mother's house. Her house is falling apart added to that South African nationwide electricity problems she is in dire need of solar panels as electric bills are skyhigh. Through financial issues and her house in poor condition she still smiles and helps other villagers using her knowledge and experience as a retired nurse. The current bill is R18 000 and though us her 4 daughters are helping through installments the house repairs are falling behind.

My mother with my son and nephew (she had last seen him aged 2)

We are concerned that the state of the house will cause her health issues as there are signs of humidity due to roof leaks and walls not being properly painted. Binance Wish coming true will be as splendid for our family situation as the first sun rays melting the morning dew. It will be like the rainbow after huge rains and storms. The house improvement will be a hopeful change for my family in 2024. In addition, as selfless and giving of her life and time my mother is, she will have less worry and financial strain to help others in the village using her experience and knowledge as a nurse. Below you can see some of the repairs I described depicting the unfinished bathroom walls, rotting table, unpainted walls...

State of our House in South Africa

In all these wishes, the main one being able to see my mother who misses us and us miss her and out whole family deeply and tearfully...We strongly believe that the #BinanceWish can come through for us. I really believe in miracles and hope in goodness inspiring one to inspire others to continue spreading the love message. I am convinced this intervention will do a lot for my family and while in South Africa I pledge to use some of the money to buy groceries for 2 families in need and take pictures to share here!

Thanks you for reading so far and as one of the contest conditions I quote the #BinanceWish article here.

May whoever reads this be blessed and highly favored!