Henley&Partners report reveals... 88 thousand people worldwide became millionaires with cryptocurrency and Bitcoin investments

According to the Crypto Wealth Report published by Henley & Partners, the world's leading international wealth and investment migration specialists, there are 88,200 crypto millionaires worldwide, with half of them holding their wealth in Bitcoin.

The total market capitalization of cryptocurrency has now reached US$1,180 billion and there are 425 million people worldwide who own cryptocurrency.

This first-of-its-kind report includes exclusive statistics on the number of crypto and Bitcoin millionaires, centimillionaires and billionaires provided by global wealth intelligence firm New World Wealth, as well as insights from leading academics, industry experts and cryptocurrencies.

Henley & Partners CEO Dr. Juerg Steffen says they research investment transition strategies to protect the interests of traders, miners, investors and crypto entrepreneurs.

On the other hand, there are currently 182 crypto billionaires (i.e. high net worth individuals with crypto assets of US$100 million or more) in the global super-rich league. 78 million of them are Bitcoin users. They accumulated their wealth by trading Bitcoin.

Henley's new Crypto Adoption Index, which includes more than 750 data points, evaluates and ranks countries hosting crypto-friendly investment migration based on their level of adoption and integration of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology.


Singapore leads overall with a score of 50.2 out of 60, or 83.76%, while Switzerland (78.17%) is in 2nd place, followed by the UAE with 76.17%. Hong Kong (4th with 76%), the United States (5th with 73.83%), Australia (6th with 71.83%) and the United Kingdom (7th with 71.17%) received top awards for crypto adoption, while Canada (8th with 67.33%), Malta (9th with 64.83%) and Malaysia (62.5%) also made it into the top 10.

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