In recent months, NFT holders have faced a challenging period as the value of their digital assets experienced a significant decline, despite the overall positive trend in the crypto market. While traditional media has declared the death of NFTs, it's important to recognize the cyclical nature of technological advancements and the immense potential that still lies within this space.
The Hype Cycle:
Back in 1995, a research company named Gartner introduced the concept of the "Gartner Hype Cycle," which outlines the typical trajectory of revolutionary technologies. Let's explore each phase and how it relates to NFTs.
1️⃣ Innovation Trigger: The Birth of a Revolution
When a groundbreaking technology emerges, early adopters and enthusiasts become captivated by its potential applications, focusing solely on the possibilities rather than the drawbacks. This initial excitement leads to a surge in demand and subsequent price increases.
2️⃣ Peak of Inflated Expectations: Riding the Wave of Hype
As the hype intensifies, expectations soar to unrealistic heights, and imagination outpaces reality. People begin investing in NFTs with the belief that any asset will appreciate in value. Remember the instance of people buying rocks for $1M? This phase represents the peak of inflated expectations.
3️⃣ Trough of Disillusionment
In the world of NFTs, we've reached a critical phase known as the Trough of Disillusionment. It's a time when people start questioning the utility of NFTs and realize that not all projects live up to the hype.
As media attention wanes, early founders and promoters begin to sell off their holdings, leading to a decline in value. Some companies even face heavy losses and bankruptcy.
It's true that many NFTs that were once sold for millions are now worth only a fraction of their initial value. Skeptics claim that NFTs were just a passing fad and that things will never return to normal.
But what they don't realize is that there are two more phases in the Garner hype cycle.
4️⃣ Slope of Enlightenment
The Slope of Enlightenment is where the real magic happens. It's a phase of learning from past mistakes and coming up with innovative ideas for long-term projects.
During this phase, the focus shifts towards utility. NFT creators and enthusiasts will concentrate on building projects with practical applications in industries like healthcare and real estate.
This phase mirrors what happened after the dot-com bubble in 2000, where internet-based companies emerged as the top players, accounting for over 95% of the market.
5️⃣ Plateau of Productivity
The Plateau of Productivity marks the beginning of sustainable growth for NFTs. This time, the growth will be even more significant than before, with a 100x increase, driven entirely by utility.
NFTs will find their place in various industries, revolutionizing the way we interact with digital assets. The potential for growth and innovation is immense.
While NFTs may have experienced a decline, they are far from dead. In fact, they are poised for a resurgence. Over the next few years, it's crucial to focus on projects that offer real utility and have the potential to shape the future.
By embracing the transformative power of NFTs, we can unlock new possibilities and create a more decentralized and efficient digital landscape.