Have you ever wondered how meme coins are created?

In this tutorial, we'll walk you through the process of creating your very own meme coin. We'll break down the steps, making it easy to understand and follow along.

Step 1: Starting with OpenZeppelin

The journey begins with OpenZeppelin's wizard tool. Head over to "wizard.openzeppelin.com" and select "ERC-20," the token standard you'll be using for your meme coin. ERC-20 tokens are commonly used for creating tokens on the Ethereum blockchain.

Step 2: Name and Supply

Name your token—let's say, for instance, "Meme Coin." You can also set the supply; for our example, we'll go with a supply of 1,000,000 tokens. Plus this thing means that you have 18 decimals, so 18 zeros after after the 0. Keep in mind that whoever deploys the contract will receive all the tokens.

Understanding Decimals and Token Value

In the token creation process, one crucial aspect is the number of decimals. For instance, if you assign 18 decimals to your token, this means that you're dividing each token into 18 decimal places. This allows for a high level of granularity in transactions, making it possible to deal with fractional amounts of your token.

Customizing Your Token

While the steps provided are the core process of creating a meme coin, you can further customize your token's functionalities. For instance, you might explore adding "burnable" functionality, allowing token holders to destroy their tokens. This can impact the token's scarcity and value over time. Additionally, you can consider features like "ownable" contracts, giving an administrator control over the contract.

Step 3: Contract Compilation

After setting up the token details, the next step is to compile the contract. OpenZeppelin's wizard will help you do this seamlessly.

Step 4: Deployment

Now comes the exciting part—deployment. You can choose the network you want to deploy on, like the Ethereum mainnet or a testnet. Connect your Trustwallet or MetaMask wallet, and once you're ready, click "Deploy."

Step 5: Verification and Customization

Once your contract is deployed, you'll receive a contract address. However, before others trust your token, it's essential to verify the contract on platforms like Etherscan. You might need to paste in the actual code due to import restrictions. This verification process builds trust within the community.

Step 6: Adding Liquidity

To enhance your meme coin's functionality, you can provide liquidity on Uniswap. This enables users to trade your meme coin with other tokens. By adding your token's address to Uniswap, users can buy and swap your meme coin.

Creating Your Meme Coin: Insights and Warnings

The process of creating a meme coin might seem straightforward, but it's important to remember that the value of a token isn't solely determined by its creation process. Anyone can create a meme coin, so the real value should come from the uniqueness and utility of your token.


Creating a meme coin is more accessible than ever before. By following these steps, you can have your own meme coin up and running within a short period. However, keep in mind that the value of your coin should extend beyond its creation, and it's crucial to consider its utility within the crypto ecosystem.
