High Yield

Benefit from our innovative products that are designed to help navigate the various market scenarios
Note: High Yield products involve higher risks. See our FAQ for more information.
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Frequently Asked Questions

How does Dual Investment work?
Dual Investment provides a great way to seize "buy low" and "sell high" opportunities while also providing you with additional returns. It is ideal for traders who want to take profit or buy the dips, or HODLers who simply want to earn extra rewards on their crypto or stablecoins.
What are the risks associated with High Yield Products?
High Yield products receive higher than average yields but come with corresponding risks, e.g. non principal-protected, price fluctuations, and volatility. Only invest what you can afford to lose, regardless of how high the potential yields are. Please ensure you understand the risks associated with each of the High Yield Products:
Dual Investment
- You may be required to trade at a less favorable rate on the Settlement Date.
Where can I find more information?
For more information, please refer to our articles in the Support Center.