Convert Cash to BUSD to Earn up to 15% Interest


You probably have already heard that investing in crypto turned out to be the best investment of the decade and you want to dive in but have no clue where to start. Or maybe you are worried about the volatility that comes with it, but you still want to enjoy better yields than your current financial institutions are offering.  Binance is giving you a better way to grow your savings by letting you invest in BUSD (stablecoin) and subscribing to our lending program where you will acquire interest of up to 15% per annum.

What is BUSD

Binance USD (BUSD) is a stable coin pegged to the United States Dollar ($) that has received approval from the New York State Department of Financial Services (NYDFS). So for every BUSD in circulation, 1 USD is stacked away. 

What is Binance Lending?

Think of Binance Lending as a platform where you lend your assets ( In this case BUSD) to Binance and earn interest over time. There are two types of Lending:

1. Flexible Lending

Here you can lend to Binance and opt out whenever you feel like. This gives you flexibility but does not offer as many returns as fixed lending.

2. Fixed Lending

Just like the name suggests, when you subscribe to this, your assets (Funds) will not be accessible over a specific period of time. Think of this as you would a fixed deposit account. Fixed lending offers greater interest.

How do I subscribe and earn interest? 

Step 1: Convert your fiat money into BUSD

- Sign into Binance.  Register here if you have no account (10% discount on trading fees 😉😉)

- Select Buy Crypto at the top and choose USD, and enter the amount you want to convert. Follow the Prompts.

Step 2: Subscribe to the lending product

Select Earn and then Lending. At this point you will see all our lending products. Subscribe to what suits you and start earning interest.

If you have additional questions, please see our FAQ

Deposit and Subscribe now!

- Binance Team

Disclaimer: In compliance with MiCA requirements, unauthorized stablecoins are subject to certain restrictions for EEA users. For more information, please click here.

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