The ever-expanding world of #UseBNB - March 2019


In the month of March, BNB’s use cases continued to grow. Check out the complete list of use cases on this infographic below, as well as the latest use cases right after this image.

- If you’re looking for a swanky house in Australia, you can use BNB to buy one. A beachfront residence in New South Wales, called “The Jetsons” (pictured below), is up for sale. The auctioneers are accepting BNB as a mode of payment.

- Meanwhile, BNB is now accepted as payment across the various applications on Loom Network’s PlasmaChain platform.

- You can also purchase BNB with fiat at over 150 CoinFlip ATMs across the US starting this month.

- Purchases of BNB can now be made on the Netcoins app and at over 171,000+ of their retail locations worldwide.

Check out all the ways you can use, buy, and store BNB here.

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