Binance’s Sixth Anniversary: A Celebration of the Community


Main Takeaways

  • The Binancian community is full of stories where blockchain has changed people’s lives for the better. We all work together to create the products and environment that helps make these accounts possible.

  • Binance Angels also play a crucial role in building a supportive environment, offering assistance, guidance, and essential knowledge to users. 

  • Tell us your Binance story on Twitter and get a chance to win some exclusive Binance swag.

Hear from our community exactly what Binance means to them and how blockchain has changed their lives for the better.

Today, in celebration of six years of Binance, we embark on a special mission – to highlight the stories and testimonials from our valued users and volunteers. We wanted to hear from you, our Binancians, about how and why you became part of this vibrant community. And, most importantly, about how the world of crypto has positively transformed your lives.

Crypto and blockchain have emerged as a gateway to empowerment and financial independence for countless individuals. To demonstrate this, we want to showcase the diverse voices and unique journeys present in our community. Each story is a testament to the power and opportunities that lie within the Web3 world.

Hear What Binance Means to Our Community

Over the last six years, the Binance ecosystem has spawned one of the world’s largest communities of crypto users. Together, we’ve helped and supported each other in learning about digital assets and creating the strong suite of products you know and love. We share our knowledge and experiences, and that includes the stories of our personal journeys, too.

An active member of the Binance community, I am driven by the transformative potential of cryptocurrency and the role Binance plays in this revolution. I believe in the power of collective effort and see Binance as a platform that unites us all in the pursuit of a decentralized future. I am excited to contribute to this journey and help shape the future of finance.

Thank you for recognizing my efforts and providing me with this opportunity to share my thoughts. I look forward to continuing my support for Binance and the broader crypto community. 

Mephisto @MythLake2016

The reason I support the Binance ecosystem is simple. Whether you are a Binance user or not, Binance is the heart of the cryptocurrency market. The users/supporters like me are the blood of crypto. The heart is useless without the blood to pump. The future of crypto depends on us working together towards the freedom of money for all.

Crypto Space Man @Earth_to_Vic

Hear What our Angels Have to Say

Binance Angels have been vital in building the robust and welcoming community we’re all familiar with. Since 2017, they’ve helped users by offering assistance, guidance, and valuable knowledge about digital assets. These dedicated individuals share the company's vision and play a key role in creating a supportive environment. 

Angels also help newcomers explore the world of Web3. With passion and commitment, each Binance Angel contributes to the growth of the community as the industry continues to onboard new users. We’re all grateful for the work they’ve done since Binance’s inception.

Diane, a Binance Angel for the past five years from the Philippines, shared her thoughts on the community: 

“[Binance] lets all the Angels collaborate with each other. We nurture and cherish one another. We’re guided and built up with love and respect, all cultivated with the support of the Binance team across regions. They value our contributions and hear our voices when sharing our thoughts. For me, that is freedom.”

Ysidro, a Binance Angel for over two years from Latin America, looks forward to “continuing to contribute to the world of Binance and the entire ecosystem.” For Ysidro, Binance has played a large role in showcasing the opportunities that blockchain can provide, and he’s honored to serve the community.

Share Your Experience With Us Too

In celebration of Binance’s sixth anniversary, we’re looking forward to hearing more testimonials and powerful stories from you. In return, 15 lucky winners with the most inspiring stories will each get a box of Binance merch! We'd love to hear how crypto has positively impacted you or the lives of those around you. To take part:

  1. Retweet the competition Tweet.

  2. Follow @Binance.

  3. Share your story using #BinanceTurns6

Let’s take a look at some of the stories we’ve heard so far.

I used to struggle financially, but getting involved in the crypto space opened up a world of opportunities. By learning about blockchain technology and investing in promising projects, I've been able to start my own business and pursue my passion.

Neeraj Thapliyal (Fearlesss) - @Bigwin_nava

Since I discovered Binance, my life, along with that of my parents, as we have become a "trading family," has become much more focused on functional values and individual progress. It has allowed me to concentrate on a project that I consider cutting-edge and decidedly focused on the future of the economy and society. 

And, importantly, ''Stay SAFU''! 

Aleks - @Aleks1

Here’s to Six Years of the Binancian Community

For the past six years, Binance has thrived and grown because of the dedicated individuals who have embraced the world of cryptocurrencies and made it their own. We cannot express enough gratitude for the unwavering support and hard work that our community has contributed along this remarkable journey.

Further Reading

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