Nigeria’s government has countered allegations concerning the mistreatment of Binance executive Tigran Gambaryan in detention. 

The Minister for Information and Orientation, Mohammed Idris, stated on the social platform X that Gambaryan was receiving appropriate medical care and emphasized the legality of his detention.

Government response to allegations

Recent claims by US lawmakers French Hill and Chrissy Houlan suggested that Gambaryan’s health had declined significantly due to substandard conditions, reporting weight loss and diseases such as malaria and pneumonia. 

Mohammed Idris asserted these accusations were unfounded and assured the public of Gambaryan’s access to high-quality medical treatment. He stressed that any decision regarding Gambaryan’s release or changing his detention conditions would require a court order.

The Minister clarified that Gambaryan’s detention followed a lawful court order and that he has continual access to consular services from his home country. “The commitment to legal and diplomatic norms reflects Nigeria’s resolve to enforce justice while preserving the integrity of its judicial system,” Idris remarked. He also highlighted that the trial proceedings would respect Gambaryan’s human rights, ensuring he receives fair and humane treatment.

Gambaryan is currently facing charges in a significant money laundering case, with the trial already underway and set to continue with a session scheduled for July 1. The Nigerian government has maintained its stance on rigorously prosecuting the case against Binance, which involves accusations of tax evasion and money laundering.

Family’s plea for intervention

Amid these legal battles, Gambaryan’s wife, Yuki, has vocally demanded his release, noting that previous tax evasion charges against her husband and another co-defendant were dismissed. She argued that the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) should drop the remaining charges in light of this development. Her appeals extend to the US government, urging more significant intervention to secure her husband’s release. “I refuse to believe that our State Department cannot do more to have an innocent American citizen released,” Yuki stated.

The case has attracted attention from US officials and former law enforcement agents. Recently, US House Committee on Foreign Affairs members have appealed directly to President Joe Biden and the State Department, advocating for Gambaryan’s release. Furthermore, 108 former US agents and prosecutors have contacted US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, requesting intervention for Gambaryan, a retired agent.

As the situation unfolds, international and local eyes remain fixed on Nigeria, watching how it handles the delicate balance between enforcing its laws and maintaining diplomatic relations with other nations. The global community continues to watch closely as the proceedings develop, impacting not only Gambaryan’s future but also the diplomatic ties between Nigeria and the United States.

The post Nigerian Officials Assert Quality Care for Detained Binance Executive first appeared on Coinfea.