🚨🚨 Binance Co-Founder Yi He Issues Important Warning to Crypto Community 🚨🚨

In a critical message, Binance co-founder Yi He warned about a fake account impersonating him, which has led to some users being scammed. The warning followed a report of a person losing 60 ETH due to a malicious link posted by the fake account. Yi He used his official X account, @heyibinance, to inform his followers and the broader crypto community about the impersonation. He emphasized that this account is his only legitimate social media presence and that Binance Coin (BNB) is the only token he has approved.

Yi He highlighted the importance of being cautious as scammers exploit the credibility of well-known industry figures to deceive the public. He urged the crypto community to report suspicious activity and fake accounts to relevant authorities to help prevent further scams. Binance Chinese also echoed Yi He's warning, advising users to be cautious online, avoid clicking on unknown links or scanning unfamiliar QR codes, and protect their personal information and assets. This incident underscores the growing sophistication of online scams and the need for vigilance in the digital asset space. #BNB #RichardTeng