Solana will surpass them all; simplicity wins over complexity and cost. Here’s why I believe SOL and Phantom Wallet will dominate the crypto market, if they aren't already.

For the first time, I had to use the Base ecosystem. To do so, I bought some USDC on Base via Uniswap. To use those USDC, I needed to buy ETH, which cost at least $30 just to transfer the tokens I already bought.

I absolutely dislike Uniswap, Metamask, and the entire ETH jungle of L2, L3, and beyond—just a pile of unnecessary complications. If you have a small budget, stick to Solana and Binance Chain. Avoid Coinbase and ETH; they’ll only drain your money. Using Base isn’t worth it—you’ll need to bridge and undergo multiple steps to transfer your coins.

At least don't use Uniswap; buy Base tokens on their wallet. I can confidently say SOL is and will be the dominant chain. Base won’t suffice for ETH, with all the patches on top of a broken system. It's slow, costly, and complex.

Trust me on this: from now on, just focus on Solana. Financial advice: stay away from the ETH ecosystem. Nothing against ETH investing, but good luck transferring—it will cost you a fortune. Solana and BNB Chain understand what users need and nailed it. ETH and Base can’t compete, even with lower costs.


