On-chain prediction markets are transforming how people forecast outcomes, spanning from sports to finance. Azuro, an on-chain predictions market protocol, simplifies building and engaging in prediction markets by offering advanced tools, oracle solutions, and a unique liquidity model. Dan Kaizer, Azuro's chief technology officer, discusses the current state of on-chain prediction markets, Azuro's distinctive protocol features, and the future potential of this evolving sector. Azuro's peer-to-pool liquidity model efficiently allocates liquidity across markets without overexposing providers. The recent $11 million funding round will further accelerate ecosystem development. Partnering with Chiliz aims to boost on-chain sports prediction market adoption. With over 25 apps on Azuro, attracting developers involved clear processes and high-quality documentation. The upcoming AZUR token generation event will decentralize protocol governance. The future of on-chain prediction markets looks promising, with Azuro exploring new business verticals and a native Ethereum layer 2 for optimized applications. Read more AI-generated news on: https://app.chaingpt.org/news