$STRK 🚀🚀🚀

Starknet is a developing decentralized protocol and the economic mechanisms described here, also known as tokenomics, are subject to change based on governance decisions made by the larger community of Stark.

STRK is the mechanism for paying fees to enable operation of the network, maintaining and securing the network by enabling staking for consensus, and deciding on Starknet’s values and technology goals by voting for governance proposals.

Certain services that are critical to the liveness and security of Starknet may require the staking of Starknet tokens. These services might be offered by multiple providers, and could include sequencing, reaching temporary L2 consensus before L1 finality is reached, STARK-proving services, and data availability provisioning, to name a few examples. These protocol changes are still under discussion within the larger governance community and are targeted for 2024 -2025.

If someone wants per-sonal gui-dance then they can let me know.

This isn’t financial advice do your own research.

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