📈 Institutional Holdings of Meme Coins Surge - #Bybit Report

Institutional investors on Bybit increased their #memecoin🚀🚀🚀 allocations from $63M in January to $300M in April, marking a 300% rise. This surge highlights growing interest from professional investors, Bybit reported.

💼 Top Picks: #Dogecoin‬⁩ ($DOGE ) and Shiba Inu ($SHIB ) are favored for their liquidity. Solana's BONK also attracted significant attention with $75M in institutional bets.

🔍 Investor Trends: DOGE holds the largest share for both retail and institutional investors, with institutions allocating 36% compared to retail's 24.5%. Institutions prefer DOGE for its liquidity and stability.

🪙 Popular Memecoins: Ethereum-based PEPE and SHIB are also popular, with retail holding 20.95% ($PEPE ) and 14.61% (SHIB) versus institutions' 22.23% (PEPE) and 10.39% (SHIB).

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