Given that there are no fees for direct conversion but there are fees for trading, the direct conversion to FIAT (Euro/Dollar) would generally be the more cost-effective option. Here are the key reasons:

1. Cost Efficiency: Since there are no fees associated with direct conversion, you avoid the additional costs that come with trading to USDT and then to Euro/Dollar. Trading fees, even if small, will cumulatively reduce your final amount when you involve multiple steps.

2. Simplicity and Speed: Direct conversion is straightforward and involves fewer steps. This reduces the time and effort required to monitor and execute multiple trades.

3. Predictability: With direct conversion, the rate you see is the rate you get, without the need to worry about market fluctuations during the intermediary step (from the coin to USDT, and then USDT to FIAT).

Exception Consideration:

- If the liquidity for direct conversion to Euro/Dollar is significantly lower, resulting in unfavorable rates, it might still be worth comparing the overall returns after considering trading fees. In such cases, you can execute a small test transaction to see which method yields a better rate.

So, with no fees for direct conversion, it is generally better to convert your coin directly to Euro/Dollar, unless you find a significantly better exchange rate through the intermediate step even after accounting for the trading fees.


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