❓ 5 Questions for @yawn_rong - Round 1 Yawn answered 5 #STEPNGO questions from the community! Ask yours in the comments for the next round! ✏️ Q1: Why the GMT 4-year lock in the Alpha Draw? A: We aim to lower the cost of the Draw as much as possible, so we used the staking method with a low rate per ticket. This approach allows anyone to participate. However, when the cost is so low, some compromises are necessary to prevent foreseeable exploitation, such as massive borrowing of GMT from the exchange. Therefore, we decided the locking period must be very long. We will unlock all users' Alpha Draw GMT at the next BTC halving, a time when there is typically significant market attention on the space. Q2: Is there a guaranteed prize for the Alpha Draw? A: No. After designing the Alpha Draw, we felt we should give additional chances, so we added the Extra Rounds. For each ticket participating in the Alpha Draw, the user will also receive one Extra Round ticket. The Extra Rounds will have 10 winners instead of one, compared to the Alpha Draw. We also designed some stickers that people can find after scratching their cards, which are currently useless. 👀 Q3: Do you plan to do a reset after the Alpha test before the beta opening, like in Gas Hero? A: The purpose of the Alpha test is to find bugs and test if the tokenomics and game mechanisms are robust. The real benefit for Alpha testers is that they are the only ones who can set up their Haus after the Beta opening. Therefore, anyone who joins afterward must go through these few thousand seed users' Haus. So, even if there is a reset, these seed users will still have some advantages. Currently, we don’t know if we will do a reset or not. Q4: How is STEPN GO different from STEPN? A: To put it simply, STEPN GO significantly reduces the barrier of entry from Web2 to Web3. This allows us to onboard these new users to other FSL products easily with the FSL ID (STEPN, MOOAR, ans Gas Hero), enabling the entire ecosystem to benefit from the user growth. There are three things STEPN GO can do that STEPN cannot: Log in and create a Web3 wallet without the need to write down seed phrases. Use GGT/GMT as gas. A Haus System that allows Sneaker lending, so new users don’t need to buy one. Q5: How do you think the new rental system will impact the gaming ecosystem? A: Since the Energy Cap is limited by the number of Sneakers burned, users might not be able to reach 30/30 Energy as easily as in STEPN. The best way for them is to start a Haus and lend 5 Sneakers to 5 Guests. This way, the Energy consumption from the Guests does not come from the Host’s Energy Cap, allowing the Host to start accumulating Mint Quota much faster and mint more Sneakers to supply the market. This additional supply of Sneakers will help the ecosystem scale quickly, and these Guests will eventually be able to start their own Haus, creating additional demand for Sneakers. The Haus System, therefore, creates both additional supply and demand for the Sneakers. Since STEPN GO no longer requires any Web3 knowledge, we expect the demand to be much larger and last much longer. Fore more details on the above, take a look at our website: