According to Odaily, UXLINK, a Web3 social platform and infrastructure, caters to both end-users and developers. As a platform, end-users primarily use it for group-based social discovery, participation, and trading of crypto assets. As an infrastructure, developers utilize UXLINK's Dapps like UXDiscover and UXGroup, and RWS social protocols for social relationship and data development, achieving growth. Developers also offer various trading scenarios and products, such as Airdroup, Pre-market, and MEMECOIN, from which UXLINK earns commissions.

UXLINK charges developers for the use of applications, protocols, and data, priced in tokens. It distributes 85-90% of these fees to community users while retaining 10-15% as infrastructure usage fees. It also earns commissions from third-party Dapp transactions. For end-users, most features are free, with only a 1-3% fee charged for transactions. This fee structure corresponds to the value provided by UXLINK, gradually forming a virtuous cycle of user and developer growth, with developers providing benefits to users, and more users participating in projects.

The head of the UXLINK community explained that UXLINK had a clear business model from its inception and had been generating revenue since 2023. Since March 2024, it has been building the UXLINK social ecosystem to benefit the community and developers more. With the increase in paid developers and transactions, the current monthly income (calculated in the value of tokens) can cover the project's expenses, forming a positive development and gear effect. This flywheel effect also empowers the UXLINK token. Both end-users and developers need to pay (consume) UXLINK tokens to meet their needs, making the UXLINK token, under limited supply, have actual use scenarios, forming a healthy deflationary model.