


Here are the fundamentals and use cases of Pyth Coin, with numbering:


1. _Name_: Pyth (PYTH)

2. _Symbol_: PYTH

3. _Blockchain_: Solana

4. _Token supply_: 1,000,000,000 PYTH

5. _Token economics_:

- 30% reserved for the Pyth Foundation

- 20% allocated for the development team

- 10% for advisors and partners

- 40% for the community (via airdrop and public sale)

6. _Consensus algorithm_: Proof of Stake (PoS)

7. _Smart contracts_: Supports the creation and execution of smart contracts

8. _Oracle solution_: Provides real-world data to blockchain platforms

_Use cases:_

1. _Decentralized finance (DeFi)_: Pyth Coin can be used for lending, borrowing, and yield farming in DeFi applications.

2. _Gaming_: Pyth Coin can be used for in-game purchases, rewards, and governance in blockchain-based games.

3. _Non-fungible tokens (NFTs)_: Pyth Coin can be used for creating, buying, and selling NFTs, representing unique digital assets.

4. _Decentralized data storage_: Pyth Coin can be used for storing and retrieving data on the Pyth Network, ensuring data integrity and security.

5. _Prediction markets_: Pyth Coin can be used for creating and participating in prediction markets, enabling decentralized forecasting and decision-making.

6. _Social media_: Pyth Coin can be used for creating and curating content, rewarding creators, and governance in decentralized social media platforms.

7. _Identity verification_: Pyth Coin can be used for decentralized identity verification, enabling secure and private authentication.

8. _Supply chain management_: Pyth Coin can be used for tracking and verifying the origin, quality, and movement of goods in supply chains.

9. _Decentralized oracles_: Pyth Coin can be used for providing real-world data to blockchain platforms, enabling smart contracts to access off-chain data.

10. _Staking and validation_: Pyth Coin can be used for staking and validation on the Pyth Network, enabling users to participate in the consensus process and earn rewards.