A strategic alliance has been established by io.net, a leader in decentralized computing solutions, and Synesis One, the first Train2Earn platform on Solana. Through this partnership, Synesis One’s enterprise clients will be able to train machine learning (ML) models more effectively and easily thanks to io.net’s cutting-edge decentralized computing network.

Isaac Bang, CEO of Synesis One stated:

“We’re onboarding a number of large clients, and the scope of some projects require us to build out custom ML models. It’s extremely exciting to be one of the first to harness the power of distributed computing with io.net for enterprise AI solutions.”

Synesis One and io.net have partnered to expedite decentralized model training by using io.net’s vast GPU clusters. This relationship represents a huge step in AI development. Both parties are dedicated to decreasing reliance on centralized systems in order to improve data security and privacy in AI applications, and they have a same vision for decentralization. Scalability, security, and operational effectiveness will be given top priority as they jointly explore integrated solutions designed to meet the demands of enterprise customers.

The partnership between Synesis One and io.net signifies the start of a focused endeavor to combine and use their respective technologies for the benefit of the larger AI community.

This strategic partnership is a reflection of shared goal to improve the state of AI development by using cutting-edge, decentralized technological solutions that can outperform the current centralized solutions and provide even greater benefits to firms who embrace them.