**๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ˜ฑ 10-Year Dogecoin Stash Sale: Million-Dollar Loss for DOGE Owner ๐Ÿ’ธ**

An initial investment of just $146.87 in Dogecoin 21 days after its launch netted over 274,000 tokens for one savvy investor. Throughout 2014, they continued to buy, eventually investing a total of $5,000 by early 2015.

The wallet then remained inactive until 2023. During this dormancy, Dogecoin's value skyrocketed, especially in 2021. At its peak, the wallet's value soared to over $4 million. However, the owner didn't sell at that zenith.

The crypto bear market of 2022 and 2023 saw Dogecoin's price plummet by over 90%. By late 2023, with DOGE showing signs of recovery, the owner sold all their tokens on October 28, 2023, in three transactions totaling approximately $370,000. This amounted to 5.39 million DOGE at an average price of $0.068 per token.

Ironically, Dogecoin surged nearly 120% soon after the sale, with a year-to-date increase of over 60%. By 2024, DOGE reached $0.23, a 235% rise from the selling price. If the owner had held on, their stash would have been worth an additional $870,000. Selling at the 2024 peak could have netted around $1.25 million, a potential gain of nearly $1.20 million from the sale.

This story underscores the challenges of timing in volatile markets, despite substantial returns on initial investments. ๐Ÿ“‰๐Ÿš€

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