Keith Gill, also known as Roaring Kitty, has been compared to Warren Buffett by Statos founding partner Rennick Palley.

  • Palley believes that both Buffett and Gill have a cult following, with each representing different generations and investment approaches.

  • The financial nihilist, according to Palley, looks towards Roaring Kitty the same way the boomer generation follows Buffett.

Roaring Kitty, a key figure in the GameStop saga, is leading a new generation of investors, much like Warren Buffett has done for older generations, according to a hedge fund partner.

Roaring Kitty: The Warren Buffett for Millennials and Zoomers

Keith Gill, known as Roaring Kitty on Twitter, has become a cult figure among a younger generation of investors. His approach to investing, which involves humor and online community, resonates with millennials and zoomers who have experienced a volatile and manipulated financial system. This group, raised in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, sees the financial system as broken and unaffordable, leading them to seek alternative investment approaches.

Buffett and Roaring Kitty: Leaders of Different Investment Tribes

Despite their differing investment approaches, both Buffett and Roaring Kitty have a strong following. Followers of both figures look to their leaders to understand how they should think about investing and often mimic their actions. While Buffett’s followers have to wait for his annual meetings to get his insights, Roaring Kitty’s followers get his message much quicker through social media. However, Roaring Kitty has faced criticism for allegedly manipulating markets with his tweets and posts.

Buffett and Roaring Kitty: Polar Opposites in Investment Approach

Warren Buffett is known for his serious investment approach, conducting significant research before buying and holding for a long time. Roaring Kitty, on the other hand, presents himself as a joke and a protest vote against the existing government and financial system. While Buffett explains his investment thesis in lengthy annual meetings, Roaring Kitty communicates through 30-second movie memes and social media posts.


While there are similarities between the followers of Buffett and Roaring Kitty, their leaders represent different investment approaches and generations. The stage they preach from and their audience may vary, but the tribal spirit has carried across generations. As the financial landscape continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see how these different investment tribes navigate the market.

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