💥 Worldcoin’s Privacy Pivot: Iris Codes Deleted As Part Of Major Security Upgrade

The Worldcoin Foundation has released a new open-source system to safeguard sensitive information more effectively.

This system, now accessible in a GitHub repository, allows any organization to adopt these advanced data protection measures.

The foundation highlighted that this initiative aims to establish a “new benchmark” in data security, particularly for biometric data.

The transition to this innovative system has led the Worldcoin Foundation to delete the iris codes previously collected during user registration.

Notably, participants in the Worldcoin project initially had their eyeballs scanned by specialized Orb devices to verify their identity and receive WLD tokens, the project’s cryptocurrency. This process was part of the foundation’s effort to create a unique digital identification for each user.

🔸 Secure Multi-Party Computation And User Privacy

The foundation’s new system is based on secure multi-party computation (SMPC), a subset of cryptography that enhances data protection by distributing a single secret across multiple parties.

This method increases the security of stored information by ensuring that the complete data set is never held in a single location, thereby reducing the risk of data breaches.

The Worldcoin Foundation, in collaboration with technologists from TACEO and Tools for Humanity, has developed a new implementation of SMPC that addresses previous limitations related to scale and cost.

This development is particularly pertinent as the requirement for individuals to provide biometric data to various organizations becomes more common. The Worldcoin Foundation stressed the growing need to protect users’ data securely against potential threats and misuse.

Meanwhile, prior to this development, Worldcoin was scrutinized by regulatory bodies across several nations, particularly due to concerns over its data collection practices.