Correction is not over yet ⚠️

as $BTC loses position and proving to be a fakeout, its losing volume and support

it still has a chance to consiledate above 62k, if that doesn't happen, a further drop is expected

according to Ichimoku Cloud a correction to 60k is expected on 1h-4h Frame, while on Day frame it might drop further to 56k, either for a double bottom reversal or the downtrend continues to its target of 52k

while according to the bearish wedge (supposing it was a false breakout), correction should be around 59k before retest

the market seems bearish today, $BTC on selling and high selling on most indicators

im surprised there wasnt a big jump on BTC with Dollar Index dropping for a correction, which indicates either a rebound for Dollar Index is expected, or the prices are being manipulated

the downtrend might still be on afterall

#BTC #altcoins