Donald Trump relies on crypto investors in his election campaign.

Former US President Donald Trump, who previously criticized the crypto industry and viewed Bitcoin as a fraud, seems to have changed his mind recently.

While the growth of the crypto industry has accelerated in recent years, names that had previously criticized the industry began to change their minds. The latest example of this is Donald Trump, and it is mentioned that the presidential candidate's election promises include the promise to support crypto assets. In addition, Trump will also accept donations to his election campaign in crypto assets.

Trump criticizes current administration over crypto regulations

Donald Trump also criticized the Biden administration's approach to the crypto industry. Promising to protect the rights of crypto investors, Trump criticized the current administration for its lack of understanding of the crypto industry and for being slow on regulations.

In his previous statements, Trump stated that he would not support cryptocurrencies, saying that he saw them as a threat to the US dollar. However, at this point, the former US President, who seems to accept the value of cryptocurrencies, is now promising to support crypto investors.

Among Donald Trump's initiatives for the sector, the NFT collection released in his name recently made a big impact. Trump's current action is his attempt to accept election campaign donations with crypto assets.