In terms of Bitcoin and Ethereum options trading volume in April, both reached historical highs again in April, with Bitcoin options trading volume reaching a new high of $47.3 billion, up 1.2%; Ethereum options trading volume reaching a new high of $26.32 billion, up 25.4%. However, the open interest of Bitcoin options continued to decline, with a decrease of 15.5%, and the position of Ethereum also decreased, with a decrease of 7.1%. In terms of futures, the average monthly trading volume of Ethereum futures in April decreased to $69.1 billion, a decrease of 22.6%. The open interest of Bitcoin futures in April decreased by 1.6%, and the open interest of Ethereum futures decreased by 17.7%; in terms of futures trading volume, the trading volume of Bitcoin futures in April decreased by 21.38%, falling to $1.59 trillion. In April, the open interest of CME Bitcoin futures decreased by 23.7%, falling to $8.9 billion, and the daily average volume decreased significantly by 30.1%, falling to about $4.8 billion.
