The #SYNTHR Public #Testnet (#aidrops

Cost: Free

Worth: 500 -3000$ (because people are using bots to do transactions)

Required: To swap,Bridge, Stack, Burn, Mint and others )

✅ Do as many transaction as possible✅

The SYNTHR Public Testnet has officially launched, marking a significant stride towards a truly omni-chain future. Users are invited to explore its groundbreaking features, while subtly hinting at an upcoming Airdrop opportunity.

With 10,000,000 $SYNTH tokens earmarked for Airdrops, constituting 1.68% of the total supply, early adopters stand to be rewarded for their valuable contributions. This presents a unique chance to seize rewards for your involvement. Don't let this opportunity pass you by!


SYNTHR is at the forefront of decentralized finance, revolutionizing the landscape with its zero-slippage omni-chain liquidity layer. It enables capital-efficient and secure cross-chain transfer of value using syASSETS backed by multi-chain yield-generating collateral, rendering traditional bridges obsolete.

veSYNTH, SYNTHR's governance token, appreciates in value through revenue sharing.

Step-by-Step Guide for SYNTHR - Public Testnet:

1.Head over to the SYNTHR Testnet web3 app by navigating to

2. Connect your wallet to the web3 app to access the Testnet features.

3.Register your wallet on Discord by joining the SYNTHR community server and entering the access code "929075043575672882".

4. Switch your wallet to a Testnet Chain to interact with the Testnet environment.

5. Claim Test tokens using the Faucet provided on the SYNTHR Testnet platform.

6. Complete various milestones such as Add & Withdraw collateral, Mint, Swap, Burn, Bridge, and Self-liquidate to earn badges and boost your syCREDITS.

7. Showcase your contributions by accumulating syCREDITS and earning badges for completing milestones.

Stay updated on the SYNTHR Zealy campaign and secure an EA/OG (Early Access/Original Gangster) status to gain priority access to new releases and receive syCREDITS bonuses.

Good day

#Aidrop #Testnet