Many of u are asking me to write ... so here I go. Most people you read or wach will tell you to go all in this or that token, truth be told? They don't care about your money and they don't know what your all in is. if u have 20 bucks and u go all in BTC, even if it reached 1Million u wouldn't make a decent profit, IMO, but again my decent profit is not your decent profit, ur all in is not like my all in because of tons of variables. Ur money, ur research, ur gains or loses. If u wanna make money investing, do research on how to invest. if u wanna make money with engineering, study for that. those stories about multimillionaires made overnight, sorry , not happening . maybe just 1 out of 1Billion people are that lucky, in general, no, that's not how investing goes.

Just common sense piece of advice to whomever wants to read.
