this is not mine but i will lost it here

YOUR ENTIRE LIFE TRAJECTORY can be defined by a few key moments. One or two MAX three. When you think about your life like this, you understand that taking risks is the only way to succeed.

When you decide what you dedicate your life to, that decision is a risk because, ultimately, it will dictate the rest of your life.

All of these decisions fundamentally will define how your life ends up for better or for worse. I apply the same logic to trading. There are guys that have been on this website for YEARS and are still posting charts.

There are only two reasons why I think this: 1. They simply have not made it

2. Being a chart hoe is their literal job and how they survive.

The trick to making it in this market isn't being a little b*tch and "hedging" your stack or whatever. You need to take 2 or 3 HIGH CONVICTION bets with as much size as possible and exit.

You are not a trader, nor should you want to be one. I cannot think of a worse fate than to be stuck in this dump tweeting out charts to pay rent. That is how you will end up if you follow those larps.

A couple of k > 10x > into another 10x > into a liquid 2-3x and you're out. That's all it takes. The market presents these opportunities so often you only need to be able to catch 2 or 3.

“There is surely nothing other than the single purpose of the present moment. A man's whole life is a succession of moment after moment. There will be nothing else to do, and nothing else to pursue. Live being true to the single purpose of the moment.” Remember this quote.

#Write2Earn‬ $btc #trading