#cryptocurrecny #freecrypto #Testnet #tBTC #airdrop #💰 LIST OF FREE TESTNETS TO USE NOW AND GET AIRDROPS 💰

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❖ @taikoxyz:

▪️ Add Taiko network to MetaMask

▪️ Request ETH from Sepolia

▪️ Request test tokens from Horse

▪️ Interact with dApps

❖ @SatoshiVM:

▪️ Request tBTC from the faucet: bitcoinfaucet.uo1.net/send.php

▪️ Use Bridge to deposit some of your tBTC

▪️ Interact with dApps

▪️ Withdraw tBTC from SatoshiVM

❖ @berachain:

▪️ Add Berachain network to your wallet

▪️ Claim testnet tokens: artio.faucet.berachain.com

▪️ Interact with DEX & Perps platform

▪️ Complete the campaign on @Galxe: https://galxe.com/Berachain/campaign/GCjGGttCAG

❖ @getgrass_io:

▪️ Register in Grass: https://app.getgrass.io/register/?referralCode=dtSbN2XflDKKr7W

▪️ Earn Points using an extension

❖ @shardeum:

▪️ Add Shardeum to Metamask

▪️ Get test tokens: discord.gg/shardeum

▪️ Interact with different dApps on Shardeum

❖ @Tabi_NFT:

▪️ Get Voyager role in Discord

▪️ Complete quests on tabi.lol

▪️ Complete quests on Galxe: https://galxe.com/TabiNFT

❖ @AleoHQ:

▪️ Set up the Aleo wallet

▪️ Get faucet tokens $ALEO and ETH: faucet.aleo.org and sepoliafaucet.com

▪️ Interact with swap-v3.jolnir.taiko.xyz/#/swap

▪️ Deploy contract

❖ @QuaiNetwork:

▪️ Complete quests on Galxe: https://galxe.com/quai

❖ @SmartLayer:

▪️ Register on smartlayer.network

▪️ Install JoyID app and set up your wallet account

▪️ Claim rewards for Joyid task

▪️ Complete other quests

❖ @fuel_network:

▪️ Create a Fuel wallet

▪️ Request test tokens: faucet-beta-4.fuel.network

▪️ Interact with beta.thundernft.market

❖ @phaverapp:

▪️ Download the app on your IOS/Android device

▪️ Register and set profile

▪️ Level up and farm points

Total Cost for all testnets: $0.

Worth your time if you're starting your crypto journey with nothing.

Join my telegram t.me/KryptoInfo24