According to BlockBeats, the Golem Project, which raised 820,000 ETH during its Initial Coin Offering (ICO) in 2016, has recently sold 36,000 ETH, equivalent to approximately $114 million. At the time of the ICO, the price of ETH was only $10.4. Despite this recent sale, the project still holds a significant amount of ETH.

In the past 37 days, the Golem Project has sold off a portion of its ETH holdings. However, it still retains a substantial amount of 231,400 ETH, which is currently valued at $656 million. This indicates that the project is still heavily invested in ETH, despite the recent sale.

The Golem Project's ICO in 2016 was a significant event in the cryptocurrency world. The project managed to raise a substantial amount of ETH, which has since appreciated in value. The recent sale of 36,000 ETH is a small fraction of the total amount raised, indicating that the project is still holding onto the majority of its initial funding.

The sale of ETH by the Golem Project is a common occurrence in the cryptocurrency world. Many projects sell off a portion of their holdings to fund operations or take profits. However, the fact that the Golem Project still holds a significant amount of ETH indicates that it remains confident in the future of the cryptocurrency.