According to Odaily, the attacker of UwUlend has reportedly transferred 1004 Ether (ETH), equivalent to approximately 3.08 million USD, to Tornado Cash. The movement of such a significant amount of cryptocurrency has raised concerns in the digital asset community. The details of the attacker's identity remain unknown, and the reasons behind this transfer are yet to be clarified. Tornado Cash, a privacy-focused Ethereum mixing service, is often used for transactions where the sender wishes to remain anonymous. This has led to speculation that the attacker may be attempting to hide their tracks. The incident has highlighted the potential risks and security issues inherent in the digital asset space. It serves as a reminder for individuals and businesses to exercise caution when dealing with cryptocurrencies, particularly in light of the increasing number of cyber attacks targeting these assets. The UwUlend attack and subsequent transfer of funds to Tornado Cash underscores the need for robust security measures and vigilant monitoring of digital asset transactions. The incident is currently under investigation, and further updates will be provided as more information becomes available.