According to Odaily, in the past 24 hours, Bitcoin mining pools Foundry USA and Antpool have each held approximately 30% of the mining pool market share, collectively mining just under 60% of the blocks. During this period, each of these two mining pools mined 41 blocks. The third-largest mining pool, ViaBTC, mined approximately 11% of the blocks.

This dominance by Foundry USA and Antpool underscores the significant role these two mining pools play in the Bitcoin mining industry. Their combined market share of nearly 60% indicates a high level of concentration in the mining pool market.

Meanwhile, ViaBTC, the third-largest mining pool, also made a notable contribution by mining about 11% of the blocks. Despite being third, ViaBTC's contribution to the mining pool market is significant and demonstrates the competitive nature of the Bitcoin mining industry.

These figures highlight the dynamic and competitive landscape of the Bitcoin mining industry, with a few key players dominating the market. The significant market share held by these mining pools suggests that they have a substantial influence on the overall Bitcoin mining industry.