According to BlockBeats, on June 26, Consumers' Research, a consumer rights protection organization, brought its review of Tether to Washington D.C. The organization distributed leaflets in the offices of the House of Representatives and the Senate, detailing the 'huge fraud risk' and issues related to terrorist financing that the company allegedly poses.

The leaflets distributed by Consumers' Research highlighted the potential risks associated with Tether, a cryptocurrency company. The organization emphasized the 'huge fraud risk' that the company presents, suggesting that consumers could potentially be misled or deceived by the company's practices. Additionally, the leaflets raised concerns about the possibility of terrorist financing through the company, indicating a potential threat to national security.

This move by Consumers' Research underscores the increasing scrutiny of cryptocurrency companies by consumer rights organizations and regulatory bodies. It also highlights the potential risks and challenges that these companies may pose to consumers and national security. The organization's decision to bring its review of Tether to Washington D.C. suggests that it is seeking to raise awareness and prompt action on these issues at a national level.