According to Odaily, Rabby Wallet has announced that the deadline for its Season 2 points activity is approaching. Users have one week left to claim their points, with the deadline set for July 1st. The announcement was made on platform X, where Rabby Wallet also revealed that a total of 1 billion points are being distributed in this activity.

To participate, users are required to download the Rabby extension and update it to the latest version, 0.92.74. The Season 2 points activity was initially launched on June 8th. The company has not provided any further details about the points activity or what users can do with the points they earn.

This is not the first time Rabby Wallet has run a points activity. The company has a history of offering such activities to engage its users and encourage them to interact with its platform. However, the specifics of these activities, including the number of points offered and the ways in which they can be used, often vary from season to season.