According to BlockBeats, the modular blockchain project, Nubit Alpha, has entered the second phase of its testnet, known as the Light Node Quest, on June 24. This phase is set to last for a month, during which users can log into the event interface to participate in the operation of the network's light nodes. Each light node continuously performs data availability sampling based on the KZG-based namespace Merkle tree and validity proofs, enhancing Nubit's security and scalability.

In addition, it was reported that the first phase of the Nubit Alpha testnet saw participation from 250,000 users. This indicates a significant interest in the project and its potential to contribute to the blockchain ecosystem. The second phase of the testnet will provide further insights into the project's capabilities and its potential for real-world application. The results of this phase will be crucial in determining the next steps for the Nubit Alpha project.