According to Odaily, renowned investor Mark Cuban has started selling Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) from his collection after a two-year hiatus. In the past couple of days, he has sold 12 NFTs, with a total value of approximately 11.43 Wrapped Ether (WETH), equivalent to around $37,800. The sales primarily included a Pudgy Penguin 6239, which was sold for 9.075 WETH.

In addition to this, Cuban has listed a HASHTAG NFTs by Proof of Culture for 15 Ether (ETH) and a BibleNFT for 5 ETH. He still holds a variety of NFT assets worth more than 1,900 ETH. The move marks a significant shift for the investor, who has been a notable figure in the NFT space for the past two years. The sales and listings indicate a potential change in strategy or a simple diversification of his digital asset portfolio. The exact reasons behind these sales remain unknown.