$BTC a mixed bag of possibilities . There are 2 probabilities that ought to present a 50:50 chance of a pump or a dump . The theoretical probabilities however are altered by quite a number of factors . These include - Whale activity ( will a continued rise in $BTC price ) which may reduce further future liquidity inflow ,will this price increase favor the interest of whales ?

-Post holiday business fiat reserve growth : many businesses may have cashed in some significant profits over the holidays and may want to consider investing in #BTC . The inverse of this is that for those that spent more , they may want to liquidate some crypto reserves

- speculative greed indices : FOMO and greed play major role in investments and cannot be overlooked when analysing the potential future trend

-Crypto adoption : while uncertainty remains around the very act as well as the segmentation of adoption , it is a possibility that as the year progress , some governments will not only review policy but also may feel that they need to

As you consider events around $BTC , remember to also check those affected by what happens to it eg look below