#BONK is currently priced at $0.00002675, experiencing a 74.33% spike in just 24 hours. Moreover, BONK is ranked in the 46th position based on CoinMarketCap’s Market Cap ranking. BONK’s market cap is valued at $327,378,421 after experiencing a 75.45% increase in just one day.

Meanwhile, BONK’s trading volume is valued at $1,436,921,481, experiencing a surge of 412.33% in just 24 hours, indicating that the trader’s demand for the altcoin is rising. BONK has a circulating supply of 60,837,624,528,359 BONK, while its maximum supply is 100,000,000,000,000 BONK.

BONK can be exchanged on many exchanges, such as Binance, KuCoin, Coinbase, Raydium, ByBit, Gate.io, and Bitget.