Mind Network Monthly Recap for August 2023

August was a busy month for Mind Network! We made several key announcements, launched new features, and participated in several industry events. Here is a recap of August!

Key Highlights


- Mind Network co-founder Mason has been selected for the fourth cohort of the Ethereum Protocol Fellowship (EPF) and received a program grant from the Ethereum Foundation.

- We were selected for the Consensys Startup Program!

-Mind Network joined the Chainlink BUILD Program.

-Mind Network was selected for Binance Incubator Season 5. Season 5 fielded 900 applications but accepted only 12 projects. That’s a 2% acceptance rate!


We partnered with around 8 projects this month:

-BNB Greenfield, Arweave, IPFS, zkPass, Privasea, DappOS, Iotex, Arkreen, and TypeIt.


-Our alpha test has been a huge success, with over 13,000 participants. More updates will be launched in September.


-We engaged in fruitful discussions with incredible partners at ETHCC.

-We participated in several online events, including Twitter Spaces sessions, Moledao’s Web3 Courses, and Mind Talk #01.


-We proposed an FHE-DKSAP solution on Ethereum Research to further improve privacy on Ethereum based on EIP-5564 from Vitalik.

-Realization of BTC to ETH bridge with zero knowledge proof and witness encryption. The mBridge Protocol is a groundbreaking solution designed to establish a seamless bridge between the Bitcoin and Ethereum blockchains.

Onward to September!

We are excited to announce that we will be participating in the following events in September:

Token 2049 in Singapore

-Booth #K22

-Hosting the side event: ZK in Autonomous Worlds

-Sponsoring ZK day

Messari Mainnet in NYC

-Running a discussion about zero trust in Web3 at the CryptoConvene stage

SmartCon in Barcelona

-Sponsoring as a BUILD member

-Will be at the Chainlink BUILD Showcase Booth