(Climbing) The Wall of Worry

There is always something to worry about. Especially when following the media or crypto twitter.

There will always be arguments as to why price does what it does. It's human to try and clarify why things to what they do.  Whether it be a recession, growth or in our case now, supply overhangs.

Yet, history has told us that these things end up just being a blip on the radar in the long term.

The chart is based on the stock market but we're used to seeing a similar thing happen in our crypto market. Just think about all the things that happened during this cycle: FTX Collapse bottomed it out, Bank failures/USDC depeg, GBTC outflows, Regulatory fud, Binance case etc.

It's good to be aware of these risks but also be aware of the risk of not catching the bigger high timeframe swings. Especially when things are known to the majority of market participants and are telegraphed in advance. The market has become more efficient at pricing news in over the past couple of years.

The one thing that ends up happing in the long run: Chart goes up and to the right. But patience and a longer investment horizon are key not to get shaken out in all the low timeframe noise.