According to Odaily, billionaire and Pantera CEO, Dan Morehead, made a significant investment in Bitcoin 11 years ago, ignoring the FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt). He purchased 30,000 Bitcoins at a price of $65 each. Today, the value of his investment has skyrocketed by 80,000%.

Morehead's decision to invest in Bitcoin, despite the prevalent fear, uncertainty, and doubt, has proven to be a wise one. His initial investment of $1.95 million (30,000 Bitcoins at $65 each) has seen an astronomical increase in value. The current worth of his Bitcoin holdings is not specified, but with an 80,000% increase, it is undoubtedly a substantial amount.

This story serves as a testament to the potential of cryptocurrency investments. Despite the volatility and uncertainty surrounding cryptocurrencies, Morehead's success story illustrates the potential for significant returns for those willing to take the risk. However, it's important to note that while the potential for high returns exists, so does the potential for significant losses. As with any investment, potential investors should carefully consider their risk tolerance and investment goals before diving into the world of cryptocurrencies.