I've noticed a lot of misleading advice here, so here’s what I believe is crucial:### Mindset Matters Most

Successful trading is 90% about psychology and only 10% about skills and analysis. It's essential to develop a strong trading mindset. I highly recommend Mark Douglas' *Trading in the Zone* for understanding the psychology behind trading.### Take Ownership

Don’t blame external factors for your decisions. Take responsibility for your actions, win or lose. If you lose money, it’s because of your choices, not the market's.### Master Risk Control

Proper risk management is critical. Limit your risk to 1%-3% of your total capital per trade. This approach ensures sustainability and avoids the pitfalls of gambling for quick profits.### Use Stop-Loss Orders

Always use stop-loss orders to protect yourself from excessive losses. It’s a non-negotiable aspect of responsible trading.### Position Sizing is Key

Calculate your position size based on your risk tolerance and stop-loss levels. This is more important than focusing solely on leverage.### Conclusion

Focus on disciplined risk management and position sizing to trade effectively and sustainably



