Arkham: No More Than $150 Million Withdrawn from Mt. Gox to Exchanges ๐Ÿง

๐Ÿ”Ž Online researchers at Arkham meticulously analyzed all fund movements related to Mt. Gox. It was found that only a small portion of the funds managed by trustee Nobuaki Kobayashi has been sent to exchanges so far. Specifically, only 2701.8 BTC ($148.4 million) has been withdrawn from Mt. Gox wallets: 1544.7 #BTCโ˜€ ($84.9 million) was sent to Bitbank, and 1157.1 BTC ($63.6 million) was sent to an unknown counterparty, likely registered in the announced repayment program exchange to an unknown #exchange .

๐Ÿ‘€ The remaining 44,527 $BTC was moved to another Mt. Gox wallet. Thus, #MtGox wallets still hold a total of 138,985 BTC ($7.52 billion).

Bitcoin's price has somewhat recovered following this news and is currently at $55,500.

The varied payout timelines might also be contributing positively: Kraken (90 days), #Bitstamp (60 days), BitGo (20 days), and SBI VC Trade and Bitbank (14 days).
