šŸš€ Fresh Wallet Activity: Significant $ETH Withdrawals from Binance!

Two new wallets have withdrawn a combined total of 3,845 ETH ($12.9M) from Binance at an average price of $3,355 as the ETH price dropped.

Details of Withdrawals šŸ“Š

Wallet 0xdba withdrew 1,844 ETH ($6.19M):

Transaction: 0x39fa09b9d2e05725cd9ce92419387ee4e8c44d393124137535d2104b6b36c4b5

Address: 0xdba71b549fff55d59401c1524fa5171db2f575fb

Wallet 0x74b withdrew 2,000 ETH ($6.72M):

Transaction: 0x4e07384e9b0e017952aa01398330fc974f34d3240d0c47fc5c39c72e9cbcc997

Address: 0x74be00575b41a718e14faa8978bf6bb05716a0d3

Market Implications šŸŒ

These significant withdrawals by fresh wallets amid a price drop may indicate strategic moves or potential market shifts. Keep an eye on how these actions might influence the broader market dynamics.

šŸ”— Stay updated for more insights and market trends on #ETH !