Whenever I ask people,

Why they want to make a shitload of money,

I always get the same answer,

"I want financial freedom so I can take trips and not have to work all week"

Which is great,


What people don't understand is that in order to get to that position you need to PAY UPFRONT,

With countless hours of hard work,

And even when you achieve that goal,

You will still be WORKING MORE THAN EVER.

I want you to be honest with me now,

Are you confident that you're putting in enough work?

Reflect deeply on what you've achieved over the past months and answer yourself honestly,

"Am I working hard enough?"

If the answer is no, you need to step up...

And if the answer is Yes, you're lying to yourself.

Do you really WANT it?

Because I don't think you do.

Q3 Begins tomorrow.

Lock TF in.

#Q3 #BitEagleNews #BullRun