Polyhedra Network To Release zkBridge Network Extension Proposal, Rewarding Token Stakers For Participation

Zero-knowledge interoperability infrastructure, Polyhedra Network (ZKJ) announced that it would soon release its first zkBridge network extension proposal (NEP), enabling token stakers to have the opportunity to participate in voting and earn rewards. More details on participation will be provided at a later date.

“Following the decentralization of governance for zkBridge via the Polyhedra Network token, all future decisions to add zkBridge support to new networks will necessitate a proposal and successful vote by the community,” mentioned the team behind the project in a post on X.

As new blockchains are launched, the demand for zero-knowledge interoperability with these networks increases. The zkBridge NEP governance mechanism will facilitate support for additional networks. Polyhedra Network emphasized that, although its goal is to ensure zero-knowledge secured interoperability across both Web3 and Web2, it intends to proceed cautiously to preserve the integrity of its ecosystem.

The announcement highlighted that any future decisions to extend zkBridge support to new networks will need to be made through community proposals and voting. The zkBridge NEP will encourage the community to weigh both the benefits and risks of integrating new blockchains into existing networks, considering factors such as network health, liquidity accessibility, and community growth.

Introducing zkBridge Network Expansion Proposals (NEP)

Following the decentralization of governance for zkBridge via the Polyhedra Network token, all future decisions to add zkBridge support to new networks will necessitate a proposal and successful vote by the community. pic.twitter.com/t1EPbUwleJ

— Polyhedra Network (@PolyhedraZK) June 27, 2024

What Is zkBridge?

Polyhedra Network is developing infrastructure to enhance interoperability, scalability, and privacy within Web3. Utilizing advanced zero-knowledge proof technology, the company offers efficient solutions for asset transfers, message passing, and data sharing between Web2 and Web3 systems.

Among the primary products of Polyhedra Network is zkBridge, a zero-knowledge blockchain interoperability protocol designed to facilitate cross-chain transactions. Since its launch last year, zkBridge has enabled over 20 million cross-chain transactions and generated more than 40 million zero-knowledge proofs.

Recently, the decentralized protocol for rollups, AltLayer, integrated zkBridge, facilitating trustless and secure interoperability between various blockchain networks, including Ethereum, Arbitrum, and BNB Chain. This integration allows AltLayer rollups to connect with over 30 various blockchain networks, providing developers with the necessary tools to build a wide range of decentralized applications (dApps) and ensuring a seamless user experience.

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