According to Odaily, ZeroLend has announced its integration with Clip Finance. This collaboration will allow Linea users to automate their farming strategies using the smart pool on Clip Finance. The current supported currencies include USDC, USDe, and ETH.

ZeroLend's integration with Clip Finance is a significant step forward in providing Linea users with more efficient and automated farming strategies. This move will enable users to leverage the smart pool feature on Clip Finance, thereby enhancing their farming strategies.

The integration supports three major currencies: USDC, USDe, and ETH. This means that Linea users can now automate their farming strategies using these currencies, providing them with more flexibility and options in their farming operations.

This collaboration between ZeroLend and Clip Finance is expected to bring about significant improvements in the way Linea users manage their farming strategies. By automating these processes, users can focus more on other aspects of their operations, thereby increasing overall productivity and efficiency.