PEPEFA🔺Trump Frog🔺 📈Historical market value reached 10 million dollars, with a maximum increase of over 60,000 times, the price will break ATH in the near future, all data will break ATH 📢Current price: 0.046 $ 📢Opening price: 0.000003 $ 📢Opening time: December 11, 2024 📢Current circulating market value: 2.32 million $ 📢Number of holders: 12,995 people 📢Liquidity pool 'CRYPTO' amount: 149,400 pieces 📢Initial pool: 20,000 CRYPTO injected into the black hole 📢PEPEFA has burned: 34,000 pieces, and will continue to burn continuously 🌐Telegram group: 🌐QQ group: 1016268935
#加密用户突破1800万 📢 It's here!!! The Wedegen platform is the first multi-chain AI token issuance platform on the internet, allowing you to achieve foolproof explosive profits. 💹 Explosive profit method one: The platform issues tokens, and you can become the project party without any technical skills. Within a few minutes, you can issue tokens on chains like ETH, WLD, ARB, etc., with zero cost. Realize your ideal ambitions. 💹 Explosive profit method two: Participate in limited-time fundraising. Whenever a new token reaches its launch point, the first person to enter only needs to invest a minimal amount to obtain hundreds of thousands of tokens, achieving profits of hundreds or thousands of times. 💹 Explosive profit method three: Value investment. The platform has many new tokens; it's up to you to have the discerning eye to seize the next ten thousand times divine token, making you a definite winner in life.
#BTC再创新高 people are seriously optimistic about the SSV coin. The staking on the official website has already exceeded the market value of 16 billion USD in ETH, while the current market value is only a little over 300 million, which is severely undervalued. Currently, it looks like there is at least a 10x increase potential. In a bull market, I see it reaching 500 dollars.
📢 is here! ♻️ is the first multi-chain coin issuance platform in the entire network. ♻️Anonymous, zero threshold for coin issuance, the cost is as low as gas fee. ♻️A truly fair and just launch, with diversified participation models.
Longhorn bull, this wave is a longhorn bull. The bull market is the process of wealth transfer. Those who believe in adversity are the real believers. Those who doubt the bull market as soon as it adjusts will definitely lose money in the bull market. Those with faith make money from those without faith, which is reasonable. You are not there when it falls, and you are definitely not there when it rises. The bull market does not care what you buy, it only cares whether you buy it or not. What is a bull market? A bull market is a blind rise without any reason or sign.
There aren't many secondary counterfeit meats, pay attention to new opportunities that arise
A chart to tell you when the altcoin season will erupt! What trading opportunities do retail investors still have?
What is an altcoin season? My understanding is very simple.
1. First, break through the March price peak.
2. Then break the historical high of 2021.
3. The process involves capital inflows - capital outflows
Capital flows into BTC ➩ BTC dominance increases ➩ Altcoins get drained ➩ Altcoins fall
Capital flows out of BTC ➩ BTC dominance decreases ➩ Altcoins accumulate ➩ Skyrocket
This chart is based on statistical analysis of the performance of the top 100 tokens by market cap, dividing these tokens into 'those that have broken through the March price peak' and 'those that have not broken through the March price peak,' with 50 tokens in each category. The data source is the relevant information displayed in the chart.
The most promising coin released on the platform, Trump Frog, has been tweeted by Musk, has a chance to be listed on Binance, currently only has a market value of 2 million, and has been reported by cryptocurrency media, you can buy a little bit to take a gamble.
The newly launched platform, seize the early bonus phase