Be smart and take advantage of buying at this very low price because it is already difficult for it to go down to less than 190
$SOL is deceased From 411$ - to 367$. I am very Upset to decreasing the Value. What Should I do right now. please suggest me. Will'I stop lossing or Should wait till increase? m
I made this small trade on Spot, I bought $8.37 of BTC when the price was at 104,660.00 and just as the price rose to 105,055.00, I made a sale but did not make a profit, rather I lost -$0.02 cents. Can someone with experience in Spot trading give me some advice or suggestion please, or tell me why I didn't make a profit?
If you have already seen that its all-time high is approximately 264 dollars. This is just a correction for it to explode upwards in a few weeks. Better take advantage and buy, buy, buy.
Chandra Martorelli
Guys, can anyone tell me what's going on with $SOL ?
Everyone says it's a promising currency, but it's not going up, and it's getting beaten by its rival#$AAVE $SOL 😭