Guys, with a#Usualprice like this, is it worth paying more? Or are you hoping to fix it? I'm new to the market, I'm already taking a course but I saw that people help here so it's also a learning experience to read what you understand about the market. Thank you in advance!
Thank you all for the answers! So if it falls I will contribute more... and I will also study about it.
Elene Fossum roHR
#Usual Good morning everyone! Do you intend to trade in Usual or leave it for the future? What is your vision? I thank you in advance for your help 😊 (I got R$ 200 from Usual)
#Usual Good morning everyone! Do you intend to trade in Usual or leave it for the future? What is your vision? I thank you in advance for your help 😊 (I got R$ 200 from Usual)